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EventStoreDB Ideas Portal

Ideas for improvements and new features in EventStoreDB, client libraries, and database extensions.



Showing 41 of 53

Handle backpressure

ESDB can be overloaded with read/write operations and it has no limitations enforced on the edge to prevent this. The idea is to set the connection limit (in general or per operation) and deny requests when the limit is exceeded. It will improve t...
Alexey Zimarev about 1 year ago in EventStoreDB / Operations / Stability 0 Planned

Stream authorisation policies

ESDB has access control lists (ACLs) as the primary method to achieve granular (per stream) authorisation. However, ACLs need to be set up per stream, which is a burden for developers. Also, if the auth rules change, all the streams need to get th...
Alexey Zimarev about 1 year ago in EventStoreDB / Dev experience / Security 0 Planned

Replication between clusters

Allow one cluster to mirror another. Could be similar to read-only replica, but instead of a single node that is known to the source cluster, the mirror would be a read-only replicated cluster. One use of it is to enable faster reads. If the "oper...
Alexey Zimarev about 1 year ago in EventStoreDB / Operations / Stability 0

Chunk format optimised for reading

The idea is to rewrite the chunk file after it stops accepting writes, so it can handle reads better. Re-sort events in closed chunks to group events of the same stream together for efficient IOPS use. Could also save having to repeat the stream n...
Tim Coleman about 1 year ago in EventStoreDB / Performance 0

Add catchup subscription stats to HTTP API

No description provided
Alexey Zimarev about 1 year ago in EventStoreDB / Dev experience / Operations 0 Planned

Event metadata format

Leverage map style metadata, used in cloud events that propagate as HTTP/message headers. Having event metadata as JSON sounded like a good idea at a time, but it creates a lot of friction when things need to be retrieved or added, like tracing he...
Alexey Zimarev about 1 year ago in EventStoreDB / Dev experience 0

Scheduled Index Merge

ESDB has an option to disabled automatic index merge, so users can do it manually. Usually, this option is enabled because automatic index merge can start at any time, and it might also get running on all the nodes at the same time. Since it's an ...
Alexey Zimarev about 1 year ago in EventStoreDB / Operations 0

Kerberos Authentication

No description provided
Alexey Zimarev about 1 year ago in EventStoreDB / Security 0

Multiple databases

Allow having multiple logs (databases) physically separated from each other. That would include different set of users, authorisation rules, etc. It would enable: deleting a specific database instead of cleaning up the whole cluster separate data ...
Alexey Zimarev about 1 year ago in EventStoreDB / Dev experience / Operations / Security 0 Planned

SLA for Reads

When reading from followers, allow setting time SLA for the read operation to ensure you get fresh enough data. It helps offloading the read load without imposing too much risk of reading very stale data.
Alexey Zimarev about 1 year ago in EventStoreDB / Dev experience 0 Planned