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EventStoreDB Ideas Portal

Ideas for improvements and new features in EventStoreDB, client libraries, and database extensions.

Status Planned
Workspace EventStoreDB
Categories Operations Stability
Created by Alexey Zimarev
Created on Jan 4, 2024

Automated Scavenging

Scavenging is a routine maintenance operation in ESDB, but it requires DB admins to run it either manually or using some automation like curl call to the DB API executed by cron.

It's not only inconvinient, but also isn't optimal as scavenging normally requires considerations like:

  • Scavenge nodes one by one

  • Don't start with the leader

  • Resign the leader before scavenging it

  • Alert if scavenge fails

Requiring users to do all that is not ops-friendly. It is a maintenance operation and ESDB needs to support scheduled, orchestrated scavenge out of the box.

  • Attach files