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EventStoreDB Ideas Portal

Ideas for improvements and new features in EventStoreDB, client libraries, and database extensions.

Workspace EventStoreDB
Categories Operations Performance
Created by Alexey Zimarev
Created on Jan 4, 2024

Tiered Storage and Archive


In today's data-driven world, the storage and management of events play a crucial role in various industries. However, storing all events indefinitely can be both space-intensive and costly. To address this challenge, we propose the implementation of an event archive system that efficiently stores seldom-read events in cheaper storage while ensuring ease of access when needed.

Problem Statement

Storing all events indefinitely in a traditional database not only consumes a significant amount of storage space but also incurs high costs. Moreover, as not all events are frequently accessed or relevant in the long term, maintaining them in the primary database can hinder performance and scalability.

Proposed Solution: Archiving to Cheaper Storage

To mitigate the storage and cost challenges associated with indefinitely storing all events, our proposal is to introduce an archiving mechanism that transfers seldom-read events to cheaper storage. By implementing a tiered storage approach, where more frequently accessed events remain in the primary database while less accessed events are moved to an archive, we can achieve significant space and cost efficiency without compromising data integrity.

Key Features and Benefits

1. Space Efficiency

Archiving events to cheaper storage enables significant space optimization in the primary database. By selectively transferring seldom-read events to the archive, we free up valuable storage resources for more crucial and frequently accessed data. This ensures that the primary database maintains optimal performance and scalability over time.

2. Cost Optimization

By leveraging cheaper storage options for infrequently accessed events, enterprises can effectively reduce their overall storage costs. Traditional databases often come with higher price tags, whereas archiving to cheaper storage services or solutions can offer substantial cost savings without compromising data availability.

3. Performance Improvement

The archiving system allows the primary database to operate with improved performance and responsiveness. As seldom-read events are removed from the primary database, the system's resources can be better focused on handling active and critical data sets. This optimization leads to enhanced query response times, faster data retrieval, and improved overall system speed.

4. Seamless Retrieval of Archived Events

Although the archived events are stored in cheaper and potentially slower storage, our proposed archiving system ensures that users can retrieve these events effortlessly when needed. By implementing efficient retrieval mechanisms and facilitating seamless integration between the primary database and the archive, users can access archived events with minimal additional effort.

5. Acceptable Read Performance for Archived Events

Recognizing that archived events may have slower retrieval times, the system has been designed with this in mind. While maintaining optimal read performance for active data sets, the archiving system allows for slightly slower reads for archived events. This trade-off strikes a balance between immediate access to essential events and acceptable retrieval times for historical or rarely accessed data.


The implementation of an event archiving system offers several notable benefits, including space efficiency, cost optimization, performance improvement, seamless retrieval, and acceptable read performance for archived events. By adopting this solution, enterprises can efficiently manage their event data, overcome storage challenges, and ultimately enhance the overall operational efficiency of their systems.

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