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EventStoreDB Ideas Portal

Ideas for improvements and new features in EventStoreDB, client libraries, and database extensions.

Workspace EventStoreDB
Categories Dev experience
Created by Alexey Zimarev
Created on Jan 7, 2024

Filtered reads and subscriptions to streams

ESDB currently allows filtered subscriptions to $all.

The idea is to support filtered reads from $all, from streams, as well as filtered catch-up subscriptions to streams.

  • Attach files
  • Michael Stephenson
    Sep 23, 2024

    This capability would create a lot more downstream ease when looking for specific things while reducing network latency and IO

  • Yordis Prieto
    Sep 8, 2024

    Our Command Handlers have their own independent Evolver functions; therefore, we would like to Server Side Filter events based on the Command Handler interest when calling ReadStream