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EventStoreDB Ideas Portal

Ideas for improvements and new features in EventStoreDB, client libraries, and database extensions.

Status Planned
Workspace EventStoreDB
Created by Alexey Zimarev
Created on Jan 26, 2024

Store some configuration in the database

ESDB is primarily configured using the config file, which is located on each cluster node. Some features (projections, connectors) are configured in the database itself. It can be confusing to understand where things are configured and why some configuration is in the file, while another is in the database itself.

In addition, some configuration options currently stored in the config file must be the same across all cluster nodes, but each config file could be different, and it can lead to operational problems. Also, changes in config files require access to the machine, when settings stored in the database can be easily changed by admin/ops users using the DB API/UI.

Other databases have most of the configuration inside the database itself, so DBAs can change these settings without touching any files on the machine (which isn't always possible).

It is a good idea to review all the settings that are currently in the settings file/env vars/command line, and consider moving some of them to the database.

  • Attach files