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EventStoreDB Ideas Portal

Ideas for improvements and new features in EventStoreDB, client libraries, and database extensions.



Showing 6

Support plugin configuration in the main yaml config

At the moment plugins can be configured via command line, environment variables, or json configuration file. But they cannot be configured in the main server yaml config. I think this is just because our yaml config parser only parses the top leve...
Timothy Coleman 3 months ago in EventStoreDB / Configuration 2 Shipped

Remove the PLUGINS__ configuration section

The users don't need to know or care whether what they are configuration is a plugin or not. e.g. Instead of EVENTSTORE__PLUGINS__AUTOSCAVENGE__ENABLED we could have EVENTSTORE__AUTOSCAVENGE__ENABLED The tradeoff (and the reason why it is like thi...
Timothy Coleman 3 months ago in EventStoreDB / Configuration 1 Shipped

Policy-based authorisation

ACLs are hard to manage because they are stream specific. Adding poicies that would cover things like category would make authorisation a lot easier to set up.
Alexey Zimarev 11 months ago in EventStoreDB / Dev experience / Operations / Security 0 Shipped

Automated Scavenging

Scavenging is a routine maintenance operation in ESDB, but it requires DB admins to run it either manually or using some automation like curl call to the DB API executed by cron. It's not only inconvinient, but also isn't optimal as scavenging nor...
Alexey Zimarev 11 months ago in EventStoreDB / Operations / Stability 0 Shipped

Encryption At Rest

Encryption at rest is a feature that won't be immensely popular, but those who need it won't be able to use ESDB without it. Some certifications like HIPAA require encryption at rest. Encrypting data directly in the database is different compared ...
Alexey Zimarev 11 months ago in EventStoreDB / Compliance / Security 0 Shipped

Open telemetry exporter support

ESDB adopted Open Telemetry metrics since 23.2, but only exports it in Prometheus format. In many cases, some additional effort is required to bridge Prometheus-format endpoint scrapping with direct metics ingestion. As more and more APM providers...
Alexey Zimarev 11 months ago in EventStoreDB / Operations 0 Shipped